In this hands-on workshop participants will use easy to understand spatial statistics to explore historical data on a cholera epidemic that occurred in Soho, London in 1854. In his now famous analysis of the distribution of cholera deaths around Soho's Broad Street pump, John Snow used a map of cholera to convince city officials that the water supplied to the Broad Street pump was the cause of the cholera epidemic. In this workshop participants will use georeferenced data on cholera deaths from 1854 to explore point pattern analysis and basic spatial statistics in ArcMap.
This workshop is part of our Navigating Digital Cartography Series.
Interested but can't attend? Contact us with questions or to schedule a consultation about this topic!
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Hillman Library, Digital Scholarship Commons, G-49
Digital Scholarship Workshop/Presentation, Navigating Digital Cartography , Workshops