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Constellate by JSTOR and Portico (formerly Digital Scholar Workbench) is a pilot text and data mining platform that enables digital humanities scholars to do text and data analysis and build coding skills. The platform provides beginner and intermediate text/data mining lessons and templates using Python, a coding environment (Jupyter Notebooks), and access to a growing number of publications (all of JSTOR, participating Portico publishers, Chronicling America, Cord-19, and more to come).  Participants in this workshop will learn how the platform can be used to build, download, and analyze datasets.

Workshop prerequisites: This workshop assumes familiarity with Python. If you’re a beginner, check out the Digital Scholar Workbench’s Beginner Lessons prior to the session.

This workshop is part of our Digital Humanities Toolkit Series.

Thursday, March 18, 2021
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Tyrica Terry Kapral
Coding and Computational Methods, Digital Humanities Toolkit, Digital Scholarship Workshop/Presentation, Online / Webinar, Workshops
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Tyrica Terry Kapral