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Confused by copyright? Unsure of your rights as an author or a user? You're not alone!

Join us for an introduction to copyright for academics, focusing on essential copyright knowledge for research, publishing, and teaching.

This workshop will include a 40 minute lecture followed by 20 minutes to answer your questions.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
11:00am - 12:00pm
Hillman Library, Amy Knapp Room, G-74
Lauren Collister
Early Career Researcher, Workshops
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Lauren Collister
Lauren Collister

Dr. Lauren B. Collister is the Director of the Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing. She obtained a PhD in Linguistics in 2013 and remains active in publishing and reviewing in her field. She is also an advocate for Open, including Open Access, Open Education, Open Data, and Open Science. View her ORCID profile for more information.