Event box

Discover the fascinating world of East Asian print culture in this hands-on workshop! Participants will explore traditional printing techniques used in China and Japan, from ancient woodblock printing to various book binding formats, some of them dating back to the 14th century! We will start by traveling back in time to examine rare prints and books from Archives & Special Collections at the University of Pittsburgh Library System, curated by Runxiao Zhu, Head of the East Asian Library, and Hiroyuki Good, Japanese Studies Librarian. The workshop will conclude with a hands-on activity where you'll create your own block print or mini book in the Text & conText Lab.

Registration link: https://calendar.pitt.edu/event/creating-with-context-east-asian-printing-bookbinding 

Curious to learn more about this topic? Check out the East Asian Print Culture exhibit on display in the Archives & Special Collections Gallery on Hillman Library’s 3rd Floor on display Fall-Spring 2024!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Archives & Special Collections Reading Room, 320 Hillman Library, 3rd Floor, Text & conText, Hillman 3rd Floor
Runxiao Zhu

Event Organizer

Runxiao Zhu
Megan Massanelli